Action for Healthy Communities - Rural Small Centres: Action for Healthy Communities (AHC) supports people new to Canada with adjusting to Canadian expectations, learning about programs and services, and accessing local resources. Their programs help newcomers with:Orientation to Canadian Life, Life Skills Development, and Supports Community Connections.
ALIS Alberta - Tools and Resources for Newcomers - The resources on this website are designed to help newcomers gain tools that will help them make choices, identify and find the supports they need, prove or utilize their own skills, and find education and employment.
Edmonton Immigrant Services Association - AISA - Provides services and programs to new immigrants, refugees, and first generation Canadians of all ages, such as: Orientation, ESL, Community Resources and Social Events, Interpretation and Translation, and Documentation Supports.
The Family Centre - offers counselling, classes, and therapy groups in Edmonton. provides classes, counselling, child and family support services, interpretation, and translation services to foster healthy families in healthy communities. We empower children, youth, and families to effectively navigate through change, raise healthy children, develop strong and healthy relationships, and heal from trauma.
Alberta Immigration - Services, programs and grants available to help with immigration and settlement in Alberta.
Centre for Race and Culture - An Edmonton based organization that offers training, events, consulting, and other resources that address issues of racism and discrimination and encourage intercultural understanding.
EmployAbilities - An Edmonton based non-profit organization providing skills development, training, and employment services to Albertans with various employment barriers such as medical conditions, mental health challenges, permanent injuries, and disabilities. They also have employment support services for newcomers to Canada.
Newcomer Centre - Employment, Language, Settlement, and Community Services
Bissel Centre Edmonton - Edmonton-based nonprofit organization working towards the elimination of poverty and homelessness in our community.